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CARDIOMAX for Cardiovascular Disease

COMPONENTAmount%Daily Value
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)20iu67%
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL)1.5 mg75%
Folate (as Folic Acid)300 mcg75%
Vitamin B125 mcg83%
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (alpha-Lenolenic Acid)150mgN/A
Alpha Lipoic Acid25mgN/A
RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take 1 to 2 capsule after a meal, twice per day.

PHP2,400   90 Capsules Per Bottle, Point Value: 41PV
Member Price: Save additional 10%

Did you know cardiovascular disease remains the single main cause of death in the USA and many countries?  80 million Americans suffer some form of cardiovascular disease.
1 in 3 will die from cardiovascular disease.   1 in 3 adults (about 72 million people) suffer from high blood pressure. 

The third cause of death after heart attacks and cancer is stroke (another form of cardiovascular disease). 150,000 people die from strokes and about 700,000 people will suffer a stroke this year.
This information confirms that cardiovascular disease is the most fatal health threat. What is more alarming is that we have no “feeling” in our heart or vascular system to indicate to us that something could be wrong. Often people reach a cardiovascular crisis before it can be stopped.
But there is good news – most forms of cardiovascular disease are actually preventable and/or treatable.
FKC’s Response
FKC has designed a product to help maintain and restore your heart.  CardioMax is an all natural health supplement designed to naturally rejuvenate and support the cardiovascular and circulatory system.  It is considered a break through for maintaining a healthy heart.
The Cardiomax nutritional formula is a unique blend designed to promote energy in the heart muscle cells by using Alpha-Lipoic acid as a powerful antioxidant known to improve the health of mitochondria in heart cells.  Cardiomax also infuses Omega-3 into the formula to help protect against fatty acid and clot build up.  The formula is also infused with proper amounts of vitamin E as a protector of LDL cholesterol and a specific collection of powerful B vitamins and Folic Acid to help assist in keeping Homocysteine levels in the blood from reaching dangerously high levels.   This powerful combination of the Cardiomax components were designed to provide an effective, natural solution to strengthen and maintain cardiovascular health.
Scientists at FKC believe it is important to utilize natural methods of healing to avoid harmful side effects and further complications. Their products are designed to work gently and assisting the body to heal itself.
Another advantage to this naturalistic approach to healing is that unlike conventional drugs, natural formulations can be used longer and/or with greater frequency than conventional drug therapies due to the nontoxic nature of their ingredients. This means that, unlike cycles of conventional drug therapies that often create side effects and allow only short term use due to possible toxicity, FKC products can be used more safely. They can also be used proactively to maintain health without the risk of the troublesome side effects and rebound illnesses found with conventional drug therapies.
CardioMax was designed to:
  • Help prevent atherosclerosis in blood vessels for healthy blood flow.
  • Provide potent antioxidant to protect heart and blood vessels from oxidation damage.
  • Promote a healthier and stronger heart by providing energy for cell mitochondria.
  • Help prevent homocysteine levels from rising dangerously high.
  • Provide Omega-3 essential fatty acids to maintain health & help unblock blood vessels.
  • Help block oxidation of cholesterol particles in the blood.

Please click on the ingredients above for a more detailed description of each ingredient.  Some essential background information is provided for each ingredient.

FKC uses the highest quality products and manufacturing. All FKC health supplements are developed in the US and are manufactured in the US in accordance with the strictest FDA GMP regulations.

More Scientific Information Related to CardioMax

The Cardiovascular System:
The heart and blood vessels compose the cardiovascular system, your life support. Your life is tied to every heart beat by providing your tissues with oxygen and nutrients and by removing toxic chemicals and carbon dioxide gas from your cells.
Blood vessels are like a large network of roads that lead to all tissues and cells in your body. Blood vessels and capillaries come in all sizes and shapes and provide support for every single cell in the body. Blood must constantly flow through the vessels without blockage from blood clots. A blood clot is hardened tissue stuck to the inside of blood vessels which blocks the flow of blood through the vessel. A blood vessel does not have to be completely clogged before it starts starving the tissue it supports.
Blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients in blood through the powerful heart muscle pump. All cells must constantly be provided with oxygen and. Any blood vessel that becomes clogged will choke and starve the cells in the tissue area it supports. If the starved tissue is heart tissue, it can result in a heart attack, which could be fatal. If the starved tissue is brain tissue, this can result in a stroke, which could paralyze or kill. Other tissues that are starved can become damaged or scarred. It is absolutely fundamental to life and overall health and well-being that the blood vessels be unclogged and the heart pump stays efficient. This incredible pumping machine and network of vessels can deteriorate with time, unhealthy diet, or inherited cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular Disease Triggers:
The build up of a blood vessel clot is usually a gradual process that occurs silently and dangerously over years. Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease (CVD) where blood vessels are hardened and blocked which can eventually lead to strokes and heart attacks. But what is it that triggers atherosclerosis and the consequent CVD? Many factors contribute to CVD development but the number one problem is the modern western diet. Our diet floods our blood with large quantities of unhealthy fat that can't be metabolized or is metabolized inefficiently. The result is the circulation of fat in the blood and over time, the consequent deposition of fat in any injured or inflamed blood vessel. Too much sugar can also contribute to fat in the blood since the liver transforms extra sugar into fat.
In addition to unhealthy diets, many people practice life styles that do not promote a healthy cardiovascular system. Smoking and alcohol are at the top of the list. These two habits can harden vessels and trigger high blood pressure. High salt intake also triggers high blood pressure. Our polluted cities add contaminants to the air and deforestation is lowering the amount of carbon dioxide uptake and oxygen release. Elimination of these habits and life styles are essential for a long healthy life.

Cardiovascular Disease Facts in America:
To date, cardiovascular disease remains the single main cause of death in the USA and other developed and industrialized countries. The results of research from the American Heart Association in 2004 showed that almost 80 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. For every three people that die one will be from CVD. Coronary heart disease alone kills nearly half a million people each year. Almost 16 million people alive today have had heart attacks or chest pains. The third cause of death after heart attacks and cancer is stroke. 150,000 people die from stroke and 700,000 people suffer a stroke each year. There are almost 6 million stroke survivors today, many of them are crippled or paralyzed. And finally, about 72 million people suffer from high blood pressure. That is one adult out of every 3 adults living today. These facts and figures speak for themselves. CVD is the number one fatal health threat for people. This disturbing news can only be tolerated when we know that CVD is actually preventable and treatable. The time is now to act to prevent this killer from spreading. Improvements in nutrition and life style can make the difference between life and death.

Improving the Health of the Heart:
The heart is a hard working organ composed primarily of heart (cardiac) muscle cells that need large amounts of energy 24 hours a day to contract continuously. This energy is generated in small tubular organelles known as mitochondria which are present inside every cell. Mitochondria are the batteries of life that create energy molecules in all cells around the clock. The energy is generated in the form of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) molecules. ATP provides energy for the great majority of biological functions in all cells in the body.
Heart muscle cells have a large number of mitochondria to support its enormous energy needs. Unfortunately, mitochondria are a target for the toxic byproducts of its own energy generating process, oxidative free radicals. It is known that oxygen free radicals play an important role in cardiovascular damage. Excessive oxygen free radical generation slowly destroy the mitochondria battery until the heart muscle cells can no longer sustain its pumping functions and become prone to failure. Heart failure is a very dangerous problem that happens suddenly and is commonly fatal. The key to rescue the heart muscle is to rescue the mitochondria from free radical damage.

Complementing FKC Supplements:
These other FKC supplements are very complementary to CardioMax: CalciMagD, Tri-Antioxidant & Noon Light.
CalciMagD provides calcium and magnesium. Scientists have found that Calcium is required for all muscles to work and magnesium is absolutely required for energy generation in every cell in the heart muscle.
In addition to energy, heart muscle cells need extra antioxidation protection which can be provided with Tri-Antioxidant, a powerful FKC multi-antioxidant dietary supplement. Moreover, Tri-Antioxidant has essential components which may help in protecting blood vessels from atherosclorosis and clotting.
The final FKC supplement recommended for cardiovascular health is Noon Light. Noon Light has a natural component that lowers cholesterol and fat in the body. 


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