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OLIVIA C. ARANCES, - Osteoarthritis, Joint Pains, Stroke, Lost Appetite, Insomnia

From FKC International Philippines INC.
In September 2010, I had my 3rd stroke. I was admitted to Cadiz District Hospital for a two-week confinement. I couldn’t help myself because I needed assistance to feed, groom and manage myself. My speech was affected, and my lower extremities didn’t have energy to sustain from a short walk. I was weak but I found hope from my family who showed support. I was given supplements. At first, my other children were skeptical if supplements could really help and even forced her to stop. My son, Jory Arances, insisted that I should take FKC products. All my life, I could never imagine my health condition would improve to the point that I shed tears whenever I feel the joy of having comfort and that’s what FKC has brought wellness and wholeness to me.

Prior to my condition, I also suffered from other pangs of pain. Pain from mobility. Pain from not enjoying my favorite meals. Pain from sleepless nights.

JOCYL A. ABAYON - Severe Allergy Testimonial

From FKC International Philippines INC.
My name is Jocyl Abayon from Iloilo City. My brother had just bought FKC set of products after attending the FKC launching at SMX SM Mall of Asia last May 29, 2010. I had been suffering from severe allergies before he introduced Regenesis, Tri-antioxidant and Liveright. It’s my first time to experience such irritation and itchiness. It was a trial and error to prove if these products really worked out. I increased the dosage for each product up to 5 capsules a day.
 The first two days while taking them was the worst thing. The itchiness got worse and my entire body needed to be scratched. To avoid infection, I just used clean cloth to scratch just to feel relieved. I had hard time sleeping and it really affected my work so I needed to take a leave of absence for three days from my work. I continued taking FKC products without any medication or antibiotics which should be prescribed and I noticed the spots and bruises on my skin started to get dry and the itchiness was not that worse. 
My brother kept on believing and encouraging taking more and more until one day when I woke up the marks got faded and my skin went back to normal. My skin looks good and the best thing is that I feel good and vibrant everyday. If it is not for my brother’s belief, I would have ended consulting to a doctor and taking expensive synthetic drugs. I am one of those Filipinos who would really recommend FKC products. They are potent and natural. It’s worth the price for us to spend big bucks for highly effective food supplements. Thank you FKC. 

Myrna Almocera Testimonial

5 months ago, we were on our way to Bicol and somewhere in Calaug, Quezon,  a mishap happened. Eight of us were loaded in a van and it accidentally fell in a 20 feet cliff. We were glad that nobody passed way but we were all injured.
I had a head injury. The doctor made 24 stitches from my head to my face and worst, my arm got dislocated. We were confined in 2 days at St. Peter’s General Hospital. When we were released, I didn't intend to be confined in another hospital. I was just recuperating at home but it took months that my arms recovered. It got inflamed and this caused immobility and it affected everything.
In July, I went to Philippine Orthopedic for a check up. It was find out that there’s a fracture and I was advised for a surgery. I couldn't imagine how would I undergo because my first priority is the amount of money. MRI is too expensive and I couldn't afford to have it. How much more if I undergo surgery?
I was given a second choice and that was Therapy and Medication. Medication was so expensive and I needed to prepare P120.00 a day. This caused me to worry a lot. Instead of spending that amount for food, it’s only allocated for my medication.

FKC Testimonial of Patient Inflicted with Psoriasis

From FKC International Philippines INC.

I am Ma. Teresa Alcantara-De Guzman, a 52-year old psoriasis patient. I was born deafmute.
Before I acquired the ideases at the age of 30, I was a multi-awarded employee at a linen factory for ten years and a Gospel teacher in a sign language school in Valenzuela and Bulacan.

I had Psoriasis recurring for twenty-two years and this caused me much worries and stress and this affected the whole aspects of my life. I started to lose my confidence and even my family.
 God is good until I met Mr Costante Tapuro and he introduced me FKC products in April 2012.

Josephine Cruz FKC Testimonial

Taytay, Rizal

Joint Pains
Gastric Illness

I had several health issues before my joint pains, gastric illness, constipation and having hard time breathing. I tried different supplements which my friends recommended but to no avail, I was still suffering and I didn’t have relief.

It came to the point that I didn’t believe in food supplements or any herbal medicine anymore.  It seemed that I only wasted money.

My worries continued. I didn’t see a doctor though. I still have this longing of relief until in April 2011, I was invited by Gloria Millave in a presentation in Chowking Taytay. It was a forced invitation and I just granted my friend’s request. After the presentation, they showed me a magic guide and I tried 4 tablets of Joint Again. A day after, I felt the body pain and Gloria advised me to continue so I did because I was desperate to have relief for the recurring pains since I didn’t try FKC. After I consumed 4 tablets, it’s still very painful and Gloria gave me another 3 tablets to complete a week regimen. I didn’t accept. I became skeptic that time. I thought if it is a prescribed drug, 4 tablets have already an effect. But to my amazement, days went by and pain had gone away. It took 3 months that I didn’t have the pain anymore.


Frequent Dizziness

I used to have frequent dizziness and this brought me not to enjoy going out with my family and friends, watching movies with them, and even I loved shopping, doing such thing gave me much worries that my health had totally changed. My youngest son used to be irritated when I obliged him to fetch me around the city especially when after work and he had to rest.
Being dizzy might be the effect of having high blood pressure so I had medications in order to have a relief. There were times that I had to have bed rest because of emphysema. I noticed that my mobility was limited. I couldn’t do a lot of things and if ever I worked a lot, I had hard time breathing.

In October 2011, my good friend Emy Azur invited me to attend a presentation and that’s the time I met FKC. I was hesitant to go with her. I thought it was another health supplements trying to promise a cure. I tried lots of them and I was still having hard time getting rid of these discomforts in life. I was curious also to know the products she tried because Emy had also health problems and according to her, FKC gave her comfort. I attended the seminar conducted by Jory Arances at FKC office in Ortigas. It was interesting so I tried Regenesis, Morning Power, Triantioxidant, Cardiomax, Liveright, Ingenium. In short,

FKC help and cure Infertility Problem (Testimonial)

From FKC International Philippines INC.


Every couple dreams to have a happy family and this will only be completed if the best gift for them comes.

Like us, we have been longing for such a priceless gift and this is to have a baby for ten years. We tried lots of supplements and even followed suggestions by loved ones and friends just to be blessed with one baby at least.

Testimonial of Loreta Macaspac "Diagnosed – Atherosclerosis"

Year 2005
Diagnosed – Atherosclerosis

  • .       Palpitations
  • .       Irregular heartbeat
  • .       Insufficient flow of oxygen
  • .       Frequent Weakness
  • .       Chest pains
  • .       Shortness of breath

Been issued 7 kinds of medicines for lifetime maintenance, with monthly check-ups.
During these medications, I still experience all the symptoms.

Year 2010
I started to experience frequent headaches. Afraid of having stroke or heart attack, the doctor advised me to have a CT Scan and Caroteid test. CT Scan results says I did have mild stroke. A small vessel ruptured. Caroteid test result was not good neither, with too much cholesterol plaque.

July 2010
I met Dr. Jared who introduced FKC to me. I tried Cardiomax and I just finished all my synthetic medicines and tried Cardiomax alone and I felt a lot better. I then added Tri Anti-oxidant and that’s when I felt a lot better. I don’t feel those symptoms anymore. I feel more energetic, always happy that even my family noticed the changes in my health. My friends enjoy more of my company with them because they too can feel the happiness within me. Since July 2010, I did not take any more medicines my doctor prescribed but I see him for check-ups. When I tell my new friends that I have a heart disease, they couldn’t believe me because I don’t seem like I have one.

Jeffrey Venezuela "Regenesis gave me Quality of Life!"

Regenesis gave me Quality of Life!

Im Jeffrey Venezuela, a professor of University of the Philippines in Diliman. Ive been suffering from ulcer/gastritis like symptoms since I was in COllege(circa 1991). I pretty much blamed it on my study and work habits, where i would prefer to do my work instead of taking time to eat, as well as on my class schedule which sometimes does not allow me to take time off for lunch. I tried looking for a cure for this malady for a very long time. My usual symptoms would be a painful stomach upon waking up in the morning, having a sour taste in my mouth which pretty much made me conclude that this must be stomach acid. If I skip lunch or any meal or take aspirin then this would pretty much destry my

FKC CalciMagD to fight Vitamind D Deficiency

This post is credit to:
Vitamin D deficiency is more common in strict vegetarians (who avoid vitamin D-fortified dairy foods), dark-skinned people, alcoholics, and people with liver or kidney disease. People with liver and kidney disease can make vitamin D but cannot activate it.

Vitamin D deficiency is more common in people suffering from intestinal malabsorption, which may have occurred fo llowing previous intestinal surgeries, or from celiac disease. People with insufficient pancreatic function (e.g., those with pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis) tend to be deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is also common in individuals with hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease), particularly women.

WonderMeal-for Diabetes type II with any FKC prods for 2,400 only


Did you know that proteins, which are made of amino acids, are the building blocks of all tissue in the human body?  After water, protein makes up the bulk of our body weight.  Our bodies need 20 amino acids to make all our necessary proteins.  Nine out of the twenty amino acids must come from a food source or supplement

Protein deficiency in adults and children has been associated with hair loss, brittle hair, dermatitis, muscle weakness, cardiac disorders, and delayed wound healing.  A balance of quality protein is essential to maintain health in adults and proper growth in children.  However, not all protein supplements are a like.  The source of a protein and its’ refined purity will help determine its quality.

Antibiotics Kill Good Bacteria (1) Arthritis(Testimonial) (1) Bone Cancer (Testimonial) (1) CalciMagD (1) CalciMagD to fight Vitamind D Deficiency (1) Cardiomax (1) Cardiomax Video (1) Contact Form (1) Contact Us (1) Diabetes type II (1) Diagnosed of Atherosclerosis (Testimonial) (1) Dr Eddy Villaroman(Testimonial) (1) Dr. Noel Velasco Testimonial (1) FKC 1 Million Car Anniversary Promo (1) FKC Compensation Plan (1) FKC Convention (1) FKC Help Infertility Problem (Testimonial) (1) FKC STAR LEADER Mr. JACK CAI (1) FKC Testimonial of Concordia Madariaga (1) FKC Testimonial of Patient Inflicted with Psoriasis (1) Facebook Page (1) Fitness Trio (1) From China(Testimonial) (1) Helicobacter pylori infection (1) High Cholesterol(FKC Testimonial) (1) HongKong Convention (1) Ingenium (1) Jeffrey Venezuela Testimonial (1) Jena and Rodel Infertility Testimonial (1) Joint Again (1) Joint Again Video (1) Josephine Cruz Testimonial (1) Kids-Vita (1) Liveright (1) Liveright Video (1) Morning Power (1) Mr. Ji Psoriasis(Testimonial) (1) Myrna Almocera Testimonial (1) Night Fresh (1) Noon Light (1) Olivia Arances Testimonial (1) Post-menopause(Testimonial) (1) Product Quality (1) Quality of Products Video (1) Quick Start 2 (1) Regenesis (1) Regenesis Video (1) Relactein (1) Severe Allergy Testimonial (1) StomaPure (1) StomaPure Video (1) Suffered from high blood pressure (1) Take care of your Colon (1) Tri-Antioxidant (1) Tri-Antioxidant Video (1) Ulcerative Colitis (1) Uncontrolled high blood pressure (1) Visitor Info Form (1) Welcome to FKC (1) Wonder Meal (1) WonderMeal-for Diabetes (1)

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